
June 12 update: 63 new positive tests, one new nursing home death


According to the state dashboard, Alachua County has a cumulative total of 506 people with COVID-19-positive test results, an increase of 63 from yesterday on 978 test results, for a positive test rate of 6.4%. We reported yesterday on an outbreak in a local agricultural community with 76 positive tests and 14 more that were waiting for results. So roughly 90 of the 94 positive tests over the past 2 days have been from that group. These cases are the result of a COVID-positive person who traveled up from south Florida, they are not indicative of community spread, and the community is isolated.

Another new nursing home death has been reported, a 68-year-old man who was first reported as a positive case on May 12, for a total of ten deaths in the county. At least eight of the deaths were reportedly from one long-term care facility, Parklands Care Center. The 10 deaths were first reported as positive cases on April 9 (4), April 18 (2), April 20, April 21, April 23, and May 12.

84 people (total) have been hospitalized, an increase of 2 from yesterday. The Alachua County Health Department typically reports a higher number that includes non-residents, which are not shown on the dashboard.

The website with current numbers of long-term care cases in Alachua County hasn’t been updated yet today; the screenshot below is from the June 10 report. 58 of the cases are from Parklands Care Center. The chart says, “The data is not cumulative but reflects the information available for current residents and staff with cases as of yesterday’s date.” (The top line shows totals for the state.)

The county report shows a cumulative total of 69 cases in long-term care (same as the last report) and 2 cases in a correctional facility (I’ve been told that both of these are related to correctional facilities in other counties).

Available bed capacity in Alachua County is 13.94%.

The state has 70,971 cases (an increase of 1,902 from yesterday on 29,167 new test results for a positive rate of 6.5%) and 2,877 deaths (an increase of 29 from yesterday, 25 of which were from long-term care facilities).

The state also publishes a chart of the percentage of new tests that are positive by day (this chart is for the whole state), and yesterday’s positive rate was 5.01%. (The state charts only count people who test positive for the first time, and they may assign results to a different date than the day the test result came back. Our calculations are just positives/total tests for new results.)

Dade County has 30% of the state’s cases. Broward has 12%; Palm Beach 12%; Hillsborough has 5%; Orange has 4%, and Lee has 4%. Alachua County represents about 1.2% of the state’s population and 0.71% of the state’s cases.

28,846 test results have come back so far in Alachua County (up 978 from yesterday), and 28,333 tests have come back negative. Only 1.8% of the local tests have come back positive so far, and 63 tests came back positive since yesterday’s report, for a positive test rate of 6.4%. However, it is important to point out that almost all of them were from the isolated farmworker group.

Here is the official graph for Alachua County:

Also, here is the graph for the percentage of emergency department visits for cough, fever, and shortness of breath (normal baseline is around 2%):

According to the daily report, there are 409 cases in Gainesville, 20 in Newberry, 20 in Alachua, 11 in High Springs, 8 in Hawthorne, 4 in Waldo, 4 in Tioga, 4 in Micanopy, 3 in Archer, 1 in LaCrosse, and 1 in Santa Fe. 1 case is listed in the city of “Missing” in Alachua County. Location data is not available for all cases.

The 7-day moving average of new cases is at 16.1 through yesterday’s cases (the agricultural outbreak will skew the numbers for a while). Here is the 7-day average of new cases for the past 14 days.

Cases by zip code

I’m not going to type out the cases by zip code any more. If you’re interested, you can find them on the “Cases by Zip Code” tab of the dashboard.

Testing information

Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing
The Florida Department of Health in Alachua County (DOH-Alachua) is offering evening drive-thru COVID-19 testing on Wednesdays, from 4-7 p.m. This is in addition to their regular testing schedule. DOH-Alachua is offering COVID-19 testing to Alachua County residents, regardless of symptoms. Residents who want a COVID-19 test are asked to call 352-334-8810 for an appointment. A referral from a doctor is not required. If your insurance covers this, it will be billed (no copay is required). If not, it is free.

COVID-19 Testing Results Phone Line
The Department of Health in Alachua County has set up a dedicated line for residents to call for COVID-19 test results. The phone number is 352-334-8828, and it is staffed Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

  • On Covid “The BIg Lie” and Racism: How does god feel about about Racism and Lies ? “There are 6
    Things the lord hates, 7 of them he finds detestable”…”a lying tongue”, “hands that shed innocent blood”, “a heart that devises wicked schemes”, “feet that are quick to run into evil”,
    …”a false witness who pours out lies”, and “a person who
    Stirs up lies in the community” ….(Proverbs 6:16-17).
    Pride, dishonesty, and conflict are found at the root of racism…all are evil that God hates. When we judge the
    Root of racism, we see that this only produces evil, pain, &
    Strife. Racism is not compatible with Christianity . God loves
    All people, so should we. All lives matter.

    What’s going on here? A lot of ignorance for one thing…
    The devil is indeed in the details. Why are people
    Wearing masks? Is it to hide ones face? I tell
    You one thing, Jesus would not wear a mask. He was
    Not two faced. Think about what’s going on…is it a
    Bunch of anarchist, communist, liberal, communist,
    Haters perpetuating the “big lie”? Are those who believe
    In man-made global warming being deceived by Lucifer?
    Should these people be more spiritual and seek forgiveness
    Through our lord & savior Jesus Christ? Was Jesus
    The first victim of police brutality? Should we be talking
    About Jesus instead of “Boy George”? Answer: we should
    Be uniting in the name of Jesus and asking for forgiveness.
    Enough with the hatred & divisiveness. A lot of political
    Crap is going on. Left brain vs. Right brain. The individual
    Vs. the collective…Trump wants to have a rally? How convenient, We get a Spike in covid! …oh, the death card…oh, the race card.
    I am not the problem…you cannot have peace without
    Freedom & liberty….what we got is a bunch of people
    Stirring up lies in the community! I’m Tired of hearing
    About covid & racism in the MSM…It’s not in my life, don’t make it A part of yours. It’s time to heal, unite, & be
    Personal responsible and get back to work!

  • >