Man arrested for Chabad UF vandalism posted videos claiming Jews are Satanists and politicians have been taken over by reptilians from the underworld

Screenshot from TikTok video on Lush’s account


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Geoffrey Alan Lush, 50, was arrested on December 1 and charged with property damage of a religious building and sending a written threat after allegedly vandalizing Chabad UF’s property with antisemitic messages and sending threatening voicemails to UF Hillel and other religious centers.

The sworn complaint that was used to generate his arrest warrant and his Facebook and TikTok posts show that he believes Jews are Satanists and our politicians and “people in Hollywood” were being taken over by Vrill (reptilians), who come from the underworld.

Threatening voicemails were left the evening before the vandalism

A voicemail was left at the George A. Smathers Library at the University of Florida at 6:06 p.m. on November 23, saying, “Hmm… Let me see. George A. Smathers. Hmm… You support the mass murder of children. Well. We don’t value your life. At all. May you burn in hell for eternity.

At 6:12 p.m. the same evening, UF Hillel received a voicemail saying, “If you do not value the lives of children then we do not value yours at all. At all. May you burn in the fires of hell for eternity. Every single one of you.” The caller, according to the sworn complaint, sounded like an adult white male.

At 6:16 p.m. the same evening, an email was sent to UF Hillel that said, “May every single one of you burn in hell for eternity. David had no star in scriptures. That is the star of molec. You have been sacrificing children to molec for too long. We do not value the lives of child murderers at all. I am a servant of God.”

Messages about “child murders” were left at Chabad UF

At 6:45 a.m. the next morning, a staff member at Chabad UF, 2021 NW 5th Avenue, arrived to find that several signs had been vandalized. The phrases “BURN IN HELL,” “CHILD MURDER,” and “CHILD MURDERS” were written on a sign in front of the building. The phrases “CHILD MURDERS” and “BURN IN HELL” were written on a banner near the front door. On the sidewalk in front of the building, a Star of David was drawn with an arrow pointing to the star from the phrases “STAR OF MOLEC” and “DAVID HAD NO STAR.”

Photo courtesy Chabad UF

Surveillance footage showed a blond man in a long trench coat approaching the building at 5:58 a.m. and vandalizing the three areas.

Screenshot from Chabad UF surveillance video

Investigation leads to Geoffrey Rush

A Gainesville Police Department detective researched the terms used in the phrases common to the threats and the vandalism and determined that “Molec” was likely a misspelling of the deity Moloch/Molech/Molek that was worshipped with child sacrifice during the era of the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament.

The detective found that the phone number used to deliver the threats was found in multiple classified ads in the Independent Florida Alligator, offering services as a “Man With a Van.” A detective contacted the newspaper and learned that the ads had been placed by a person named Jeff/Geoff Lush. A search of law enforcement databases produced an address, and a detective reportedly saw a white van registered to Geoffrey Lush parked at that address.

A Facebook search produced a page for “Geoffrey Lush,” but it appeared to be dormant. A search of the friends list of that account led to another person named Lush, and that account led to “Odin Lush,” which has many recent postings and shows a picture that matches the person in the Chabad UF surveillance video.

Posts before November 20 threaten pedophiles and claim politicians have been taken over by Vrill

That account, along with a similarly-named TikTok account, mainly shared music videos before November 20, although in a TikTok video from August 24 titled “Rage and disgust,” Lush says, “I just learned what the pedophile flag looks like. If you display this flag in my town – because I live here – you forfeit your life and wellbeing, meaning if I catch you displaying this flag in my time, I will f*** you up so bad… because if you prey on f***ing children, there is no amount of harm that I can do to you that will satisfy me, and I will deliver your souls to hell for eternity.”

In another TikTok video, Lush said, “I get a lot of classified stuff in my feeds… Our children are starting to disappear.” He said he was “piecing things together” and that politicians and “people in Hollywood” were being taken over by Vrill (reptilians), who come from the underworld.

After November 20, almost all content is from the perspective of Gaza residents

Along with sharing multiple TikTok videos from the perspective of Gaza residents per day beginning November 20 on the “Odin Lush” account on Facebook, the account posted, “I can’t understand why none of my friends seem to be trying to help stop mass murder of children. I am very disappointed in all of you. Shame on you for your cowardly silence. I will soon reevaluate who are my friends and who I have lost respect for.” He also reads from a King James Version translation of the books of Luke and Revelation in the Bible in several TikTok videos.

“I’ve been trying to think of a solution that doesn’t include bloodshed”

In a long video on November 21, Lush said, “That star that they display. David never had a star. You know who did? Molech. Molech had a star. What they did to Molech is they sacrificed children and babies to Molech… They’re not Jews, they’re Zionists. They’re not religious, they’re Satanic… The Zionists are in control of our society, and Israel, they control our media, they control our government, they control Hollywood… This has to end, and this has to end now. This madness, this evil is beyond control… I’ve been trying to think of a solution that doesn’t include bloodshed, but, a few thousand compared to a few million. It says, ya know, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ And I’ve been wrestling with that for very, very long. But somebody try to give me another solution cause I’m not smart enough to figure out a way to deal with this that doesn’t include bloodshed… I’ve been pondering because I don’t really wanna get blood on my hands…. Okay. Every Zionist out there… You’re Nazi Germany. That’s how we see you now. Our eyes are open. You’re Hitler. You’re the Nazis. You’re worse. You’re Satanic. Child murderers. We’ll never forget this. We’ll never forgive you. May every Zionist burn in hell for eternity.”

“You don’t have to be in a crowd, just lone-wolf it, guys.”

In a TikTok video posted on November 24 (the day of the vandalism), Lush said, “Now I’m broke, so I haven’t been able to travel to any of the destinations. But locally, I’ve been doing a little bit of activism. So today I painted a, uh, I painted a sign, and it said, ‘Walmart funds child murder,’ and then right at the entrance of Walmart I stuck it up on the dang sign so everybody could see that. I walked by the McDonald’s, put some red paint on my hand, and stuck it all over the McDonald’s drive thru menu. I went into Starbucks and gave the employees a piece of my mind. You know, stuff like that. Sharpie markers, you can write on concrete with sharpie markers and it stays for a while… You don’t have to be in a crowd, just lone-wolf it, guys.”

  • There’s crazy and there’s batsh!t crazy…not difficult to determine which category he falls.

    Although he may be on to something about politicians being taken over by reptiles.

  • He’s blaming the wrong folks…he does not have discernment. He’s also obviously unstable. However, evil does rule the world currently…this much is obvious to many.

    “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.”
    Revelation 3:9

    • No, “evil” – as in some hee-bee jee-bee curse – does not rule the world now, or if does, what the heck was that period in the early 20th century the world went through, including Americans in Newberry and other southern locales lynching people and just before that enslaving them. Not that long ago “Christain” monarchs of European countries acted worse than ISIS does now in beheading, drawing and quartering, and burning alive supposed transgressors.

      If we had any historical perspective at all, we should thank our lucky stars to be humans in the 21st century and strive to continue the civilizing humanistic tendencies that causes most humans to be shocked and disgusted with ISIS, to denounce even racism, let alone slavery, and to rely more on science and reason than the hee-bee jee-bee stuff from ancient books written by primitive tent dwellers claiming to be the voice of God. With that and a cardboard sign, you can get a spot on the median of a busy intersection nowadays, about where it belongs.

      • There’s enough of those tent dwellers littering the medians and sidewalks already.
        They definitely give me the hee-bee jee-bees.

  • Yes I agree Bat —- crazy is probably a good description of what is floating around in this guys mind. But he said those magic words that brought attention to himself. He will be up on a lot of Radar screens for a while.

  • “So today I painted a, uh, I painted a sign, and it said, ‘Walmart funds child murder”

    Now….that’s JUST crazy by any standard….including a leftest….I hope?

  • What local washed up Politician bred this thing into existence? He , them , they looks familiar .

  • And kudos to Jennifer for this reporting — and most especially for the headline and accompanying photo!

    Y’all keep it real!

  • Sad legacy of self-interpreting Gutenberg bibles, now online for every nut case in the world.
    The problem is not one tribe. It’s tribalism of all kinds, and mixing politics and religion. That’s why there’s no peace in those areas, they don’t follow the Gospel, even Christians for centuries. But it happened for a reason, both good and bad history are God’s plan.
    Jesus separated God and Caesar, but it took until America’s “melting pot” to implement it in recent history. Today, anti-Christian forces are pushing tribalism again, via CRT, DEI, ESG, LGBT+, UN, WEF — dividing people into identity groups. That’s what’s reactionary and degenerate, obviously. They show the fruits of their actions.

    • that one cult/religion you mentioned – was invented less than 2,000 years ago . ITS FAKE , artificial , manmade . You just played yourself and admitted you are a cult member . Delete your account doof .

      • @phake schtuff: One person’s “cult” is another person’s religion and why you feel called upon to insult Christians is anybody’s guess.

        Nobody “played” themselves except you because nobody else was playing and you’ve shown yourself for the bigot that you are.

  • Dear Alachua Chronicle: This is non-news. Please do not give this attention-seeking but-job any thing more to print and put on his refrigerator…..He is mentally ill.

  • Notice his booking photo wasn’t used. Scary looking guy.
    ROR no ankle monitor.

  • GAZA/HAMAS – the Palestinian “1776” for self determination? – Norman Finkelstein is an American political scientist and author. His primary fields of research are the politics of the Holocaust and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. In his 1997 book: “The Rise and Fall of Palestine: A Personal Account of the Intifada Years) he compares the plight of the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation with the horrors of the Nazis.

    • Finkelstein says he admires Hezbollah and could see becoming a member, defended the jerk who murdered the staff of the French magazine that mocked Mohammed, and probably thinks the atrocities Hamas recently
      purposefully committed on women and children – and intend to do so again – was justified. But hey, you look hard enough and you can find hateful idiots who’ll try to justify the worst humans do.

      • PS It is irrelevant what wrongs have been perpetrated on Palestinians in regard to the recent Hamas murder. They behaved like barbaric animals and should be so treated. The Israelis record in this long going crisis is not perfect and many Israelis and Americans have criticized it. But the government did not purposefully rape and murder women and children and then chant “God is great”. Israel has every right to destroy Hamas, whatever it takes, and if we want peace and a ceasefire in Gaza, we should be demanding the heads and terrorists of Hamas turn themselves in or be turned in by the people. That’s how it works in a civilized world.

  • Imagine working at Starbucks and having some psycho in a trenchcoat walk in with a painted red hand, screaming about reptile men from Hades.

    He probably tried to order a frappuccino afterwards.

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