Man charged with robbery and aggravated battery on an officer after dog bite


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Quamaine Tavon Williams, 31, was arrested late last night after allegedly releasing his dog in the direction of a Gainesville Police Department officer who was responding to a domestic battery call; the officer was transported to the emergency room for treatment for his injuries from dog bites.

Officers responded to the 1100 block of SE 2nd Avenue at about 10:00 p.m. after receiving a call about a woman being battered and found Williams standing in the yard by the front door. When officers tried to speak to the man, he reportedly walked into the residence, then came outside with a large dog that “took an aggressive stance” and started barking at the officers. Williams allegedly released the dog in the direction of the officers, and the dog charged at the officers. One officer unholstered his gun but was bitten in the process and fired two rounds at the dog; the dog disengaged and ran into the backyard. The dog was later secured in the house with a minor injury.

More officers responded, and Williams and others came out of the residence in response to verbal commands. Williams was then taken into custody.

The woman reportedly told officers that she and Williams had been arguing when Williams grabbed her phone out of her hands; when she tried to get her phone back, he allegedly pushed her and ripped a chain off her neck. Another person in the residence called 911.

Post Miranda, Williams reportedly said nothing physical took place.

Williams has been charged with robbery by sudden snatching, property damage over $200, domestic battery, and aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer. He has one felony conviction (violent) in 2016. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $285,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • So the criminals can have dogs that bite law enforcement officers but officers can’t have K-9s. Sounds just like liberal logic to me….in other words none.

    • The c of g needs a pitbull ordinance requiring registration, rabies shots, & liability insurance for pit bulls. This ordinance will encourage responsible dog ownership & victims of bites will be guaranteed that their medical bills will be paid, etc. Miami has a pit-bull ordinance to deal with the problem and now our city & county need to address it.

      • yes it makes so much sense to punish the poor dog obeying his owner stfu

  • It seems to me that Qumaine used his dog as a weapon. The dog could’ve killed the officer. He should be charged as such. Wake up Gainesville!!!!

  • This outstanding example of feces went into a house retrieved a dog and then released it at officers with the intent of harming the officers. Sounds like attempted murder. What is the difference if he came out of the house with a firearm pointed it and fired it or came out of the house directed the dog towards the officers and released it. The end result is an officer getting hurt. The suspect intended to harm the officers without concern if the dog mauled the officers to death. Sounds like attempted murder to me doesn’t matter what tool the suspect chooses. The dog needs to be destroyed since it bit the officer.

  • Banner day for the Williams family, feel sorry for the public defender handling S thru Z 😫

  • Dogs bite pigs all the time. I want that dog if it goes up for adoption.

  • $285,000! Judge SMJ finally got tired of the low woke bonds. Perhaps the Chronicle is wearing off on her!

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