Man on pre-trial release charged with grabbing women at Publix
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Steven Jamal Welch, 30, was arrested yesterday after allegedly grabbing two women at the Publix at Butler Plaza West (3930 SW Archer Road); he was on pre-trial release after allegedly threatening to rape a stranger and her baby while she was sitting in a parked car.
At about 8:50 a.m., a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to Publix, where an employee said she had been working on the hair products aisle when Welch walked up and squeezed her “glute.” She said she felt violated and asked him what he was doing; she said he responded, “I want you.” She said she walked away and asked a co-worker for help.
Meanwhile, Welch walked toward the exit of the store, where he saw a second female victim walking in with her family; he alleged said “Hey” and tried to grab her by her arm. She said she walked away so he couldn’t touch her.
The officer reported that surveillance video showed Welch approaching the first victim and touching her “glutes”; two minutes later, the video showed him trying to grab the second victim’s arm near the entrance of the store.
Welch was reportedly detained at Starbucks (3524 SW Archer Road). Post Miranda, he reportedly said he saw the first victim and “got interested in her.” He reportedly said he “wanted to be a little aggressive and introduced himself to seduce” her; he said he wanted to “finesse,” so he touched her glutes but “definitely didn’t squeeze her glute.” He reportedly said he tried to talk to and grab the second victim, but she walked away.
The arrest report notes that Welch “has a history of sexually violent behavior” and “poses a genuine threat to the community as a sexually violent offender. [Welch’s] behavior indicates a clear and articulable pattern and obvious escalation of open and obvious assaults and, now, unwanted physical touching of unknown female victims.” The officer noted that “mental health intervention has not successfully deterred [Welch] from victimizing women and children in the community.”
According to court records, Welch has outstanding non-extraditable warrants from other states; he has been in Alachua County for about three years. In May 2022, he was arrested for threatening Chipotle employees, leading the employees to lock themselves in the back of the store out of fear. That case can no longer be found in local court records.
In July 2022, a sworn complaint was filed against him after he allegedly stood over two female victims in a “creepy” way at his apartment complex’s pool; after he allegedly became aggressive with the responding officer, he was charged with resisting an officer without violence. The apartment complex’s management told the officer that they were in the process of evicting him because of repeated complaints from women that he walked up to them, stared, and made sexual comments or advances. The apartment complex moved up his eviction date after this incident, and he was reportedly Baker-Acted on the date of the incident. He was referred to Mental Health Court but declined to participate.
He was later referred again to Mental Health Court, but in a November 2022 memo, his case manager reported that he “presents with Schizophrenia symptoms” but refused to comply with jail staff or take his prescribed medication. She recommended that the Mental Health Court “discontinue” the case.
In a December 2022 motion to release him to Court Services for Baker Act and treatment supervision, his public defender stated that he had been found incompetent to proceed and needed mental health stabilization; she requested that he be released to outpatient treatment. Ten days later, the charge was dropped.
In October 23, Welch was arrested after allegedly yelling at a woman nursing her baby in a parked car at Panda Express that he would rape her and her baby. He was arrested in January 2024 on that charge, and Judge Thomas Jaworski ordered him released on his own recognizance with a requirement to have no contact with the victim. He was referred to Mental Health Court in May, but the State Attorney’s office objected, so he was not accepted into the program. He was referred to Veterans Court in June, but the State Attorney’s office also objected to his placement in that program. He is currently scheduled for a jury trial in that case in January.
Welch has been charged with battery and attempted battery. He has no criminal convictions. Judge Adam Lee set bail at $100,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Only one solution I can think of for this guy.
Punishing criminals for their crimes actually works. I wonder why the justice system continually refuses to act? Any input on that front? Or are we only going to keep hammering a sub-80 IQ perverted felon? We have a system in place to stop this but overly politicized DA’s and judges refuse to properly act. We will always have creeps and felons around and it’s the job of the judicial system to keep them away from civilized people.
He’s a threat to society…
The court needs to order Cutting his nuts 🥜 off if he does this again…
If it doesn’t work, I’ll think it always should have.
Our recently re-elected state attorney and judges cause just as much chaos as the criminals. Hopefully one day the voters will realize that they constantly place their trust in the wrong folks. Your government creates chaos and hates you — this should be obvious to everyone by now.
Holy cow! All I can say is “2nd amendment”
This type of situation is why I support the 2A. Every woman needs to carry because restraining orders don’t work. Research the statistics for yourself, but don’t become one.
At the very least a shot of gel pepper spray
Y’all ladies and babys remember this dudes face. He’ll be back soon. Thanks SAO.
That’s not true about what they say about Steven , he’s a big kid at heart,he needs his medicine he wasn’t like that until he went to the Navy and came back as someone else, as being a black man who wanted to Save the World ,so please if you will please for Steven .
Because you said so?
God got his back : oh, it’s the blame game now…the navy did it!
if he’s a disabled veteran, then he gets a big disability check…
the VA Doctors can prescribe & dose him with skitzo drugs and he can move in with you…I think that’s what god wants. So please, if you will please for Steven.
With your supervision, he still may be able to save the world.
“Can’t Get Right” is a danger to society, because there’s no amount of medicine that can fix him unless he’s sitting in the corner drooling he should belong to the state now the only question is who gets him NFRC or NFETC?
God got who’s back? defiantly not his this POS need a good A whoopin and jail.
Ladies, just a county wide warning: we will continuously let these creeps harass, touch, threaten and harm you and your children. This is Gainesville and we love sexual harassment and assault, so just get over it and keep voting us in.
I agree somewhat but let’s not forget that our state attorney is not a liberal — the liberal candidate was actually defeated last month. Also, the City of Gainesville does not run our judicial system. Republican and Democrat bootlickers need to stop making every damn thing about party politics. At this point I do see how people cannot see that it’s the Purple Party vs the People.
“Purple Party”? Between GNV and the county, there is exactly ONE elected Republican. That makes the controllers a powder puff blue, woke and sleep walking party. GNV is the only government unit in the area that refuses to recognize Christmas.
I’m clearly talking about our local/regional judicial system. I’m not liberal and do not condone the city and county governing policies. But our local judicial system is comprised of Reps and Dems, thus Purple. Also, what does the City of Gainesville’s PC Holiday Parade have to do with this discussion? The cops and courts act purple and this is obvious to nearly all. The city and county are straight blue.
Our President-elect is on BOTH pre-trial AND post-conviction release, so don’t give up! Keep reaching for the stars!!!!
You had better put a mask on: otherwise, you might spread that bad case of TDS!!
I’m wondering who’s willing to let the President-elect go out with their daughter, sister or mom unsupervised.
If I recall correctly, he did say he would date his daughter.
Really? 5 people didn’t like the comment.
Makes one wonder who the lemmings truly are when a person’s political fealty overrides their morality and definition of character.
You are confused. Biden is the creepy pervert. Even his supporting media showed that.
Maybe you should call yourself “Roger Dodger.” Never said he wasn’t. Just saying that some aren’t willing to recognize other perverts even when they grab others if it doesn’t fall into their party line.
Thanks for the confirmation.
This may work is right. Far too many partisans refuse to acknowledge the corruption and immorality of both political parties and law enforcement/judicial system. Yes, the Democratic Party is currently much more depraved but these issues remain pervasive in all of government. Boomer partisans cannot and will not see this.
Day’s tally – appears 20 people would allow the President-elect to ‘date’ their family member.
In some ways it reminds me of cultures, (past and present), who would bargain their daughter’s engagement to a noble in return for land or some other object of value. Even one step further; it’s more like a Morganatic marriage because you’re not going to inherit any titles or privileges, despite what you’ve been told.
Glad you’re not my parents or siblings.
How about when court finds a person incompetent, they are held in a treatment facility UNTIL they can be tried, however long that may take.
You can thank your boy Reagan for closing down the state hospitals. Oh and the biggest illegal amnesty in history in his 2nd term. He was the first to use the campaign phrase “make america great again” in the 80s. Expect Trump to do the same since he doesn’t have to worry about re election. Btw I’m not a libtard, I make this comment section look like a pride parade in comparison.
Wake up: a nice padded clockwork orange
State hospital can give him a lobotomy & castration and then he will be safe enough to move in with you. Your face diaper is useless, but if it makes you feel safer, knock yourself out!
Never wore a mask and never took the jab. Keep coping boomer.
What’s this, orange man going back on his promises already?
And what’s this? Oh yea, after the blm chimp outs, he bent the knee and signed the largest most comprehensive soft on crime policy the county has ever seen. All while he was on his way out of office, how about that.
Ha ha. This guy believes You tube and newsweek as news sources? Really? No wonder.
Bro you can look all this up yourself. Your argument is sticking your fingers in your ear and saying “nuh uh”. Idgaf who the president is, both of their policies will amount to the same thing. Go ahead and find out for yourself. He CAMPAIGNED on the criminal justice reform to pander to blacks. Remember the platinum plan? Oh wait I forgot that your brains been melted by lead paint.
Wake up or Jazzman, whatever you call yourself: you got TDS bad…get over it. We know you’re a snowflake if you don’t like Reagan or Trump…I can say with
100% confidence that you are a liar & a diaper wearing commi!!
You’re probably for vax passports too…always a complainer with no solutions
for societal problems…I can always trigger a liberal nutter like you in 1 second! 🤣
Here’s something to ponder:
There’s more costs to products than “inflation.” Remember, it’s not the millionaires and billionaires who bear the brunt of pricing increases, it’s the every day working person.
But who are we to predict what’s going to happen? Trump isn’t in office yet so we’ll have to wait and see if products produced in other counties increase a substantial amount.
Nice info. Looks like Trump is resorting to his old ways thinking he’s the smartest guy in the universe and ignoring or firing, those who don’t agree with him.
Man I don’t like any of our presidents. You didn’t address anything I said except for name calling. I know one way to trigger conservative boomers. Tell them we’ll take away the socialist policy of social security and drop some n words. I have plenty of solution for societies problems, ropes for guys like the man in the article.
Sherman I was JUST wondering where Jazzman was, to come along, say something stupid & probably defend this rapist that just hasn’t been caught yet.
Saw he attached links & said the same thing: that’s probably Jazzman right there! All triggered & everything.
You beat me to it! 😂
There’s a nurse at the jail…they can give him his meds there.
when he goes to prison, the prison nurse can give him his meds there.
“he was on pre-trial release after allegedly threatening to rape a stranger and her baby while she was sitting in a parked car.”
Pre-trial release for sexual assault. How’s that grab you?
I heard in some of the other 66 counties in FL they call those aggravated felonies with enhancements for minors.
No to your Meds? Not as “crazy as claimed!” One shot, one Ki!!. Goodbye! NO more taxpayer burden!
Eventually, someone exercising their 2nd amendment rights will take care of this nuisance and society will be safer because of it.
How unwelcoming right off I-75 too! Tourists will run away!
Baker Act in the past? Lock him up at the Newnan’s Lake facility and throw away the key!
Public lawyers and scummy judges WANT and groom him to commit capital offenses someday. So they can pretend to be “busy” with longterm caseloads, and excuse every other repeat offender with lax plea deals, too.
WAKE UP, voters!
If this guy gets out jail today the next headline is either going read Woman Graped on Archer Rd or unmedicated psych patient 2Aed on Archer Rd. I wonder why we don’t see stories like this on our other esteemed local news sources like WCJB, Gainesville Sun, Florida Alligator? It’s almost like they don’t want people to know there’s a crime problem in the GSSR. I hear there’s a lot of female college students that frequent businesses on Archer Rd. They might want to know about this war hero.
“Woman Graped on Archer Rd”
I hope they were seedless grapes?
God doesn’t put me in these types of situations because he knows I would lay dude OUT on that Publix floor if he touched me. He’s going to f around and find out one day.
I have a solution to the crime problem in the GSSR if the AC would stop covering stories like this that cause panic and chaos and be more like WCJB, Gainesville Sun and Florida Alligator and ignore this there wouldn’t be any crime occurring in the GSSR because nobody would be aware of it right comrades.
“In October 23, Welch was arrested after allegedly yelling at a woman nursing her baby in a parked car at Panda Express that he would rape her and her baby. He was arrested in January 2024 on that charge, and Judge Thomas Jaworski ordered him released on his own recognizance with a requirement to have no contact with the victim.”
He doesn’t even KNOW these people he is threatening and assaulting. How does a no contact order help keep the community safe? It doesn’t.
And why do his cases keep getting dropped and even disappearing?
I get that he has mental health issues – and that’s sad. But he needs to be locked up and kept away from innocent people.
Unfortunately thats the way it has worked in Gainesville for a while now.. However I would expect the same leniency with respect to my charges and instant release should I knock his teeth out for touching my wife or child.
100% agree
I heard in most of the other 66 counties in FL but in the GSSR “allegedly yelling at a woman nursing her baby in a parked car at Panda Express that he would rape her and her baby.” is called 2 counts of at least felony aggregated assault with one being an ever higher level felony because it’s on a minor? does that sound about right to you? I mean I didn’t go to a law school in the GSSR. But i think in some not all of the other 66 counties in FL those charges might be felonies and get you a free bus ride to one of Florida’s Male prison reception centers with all expenses paid.
This nut should be restricted to the glute-free aisles.
What is there to talk about…. These woke judges gave him one too many chances already….whose daughter has to get raped and probably worse before he’s put on probation
this war hero should either be at FLDOC or FLDCF for life but with these BS misdemeanor charges 2 batteries and 1 disorderly conduct I am surprised he wasn’t ROR this morning and shipped to Meridian, Shands or the VA for some more psych meds he ain’t going take and then back to his old stomping grounds on Archer Rd. I think the only reason he wasn’t ROR today is because of this meddling news outlet. I know there’s not a unmedicated psych patient terrorizing students on Archer Rd problem because I didn’t see this covered on approved GSSR news outlets like WCJB, Gainesville Sun or Alligator. There’s no way he’s ever get catch that free bus ride from 39th Ave to Lake Butler with these MM charges that will probably be quietly dropped before Xmas. When his mugshot stops showing up at the jail that probably means he’s back on the prowl so if you’re on Archer Rd BOLO and don’t forget your 2A rights and Stand Your Ground it’s the only way this problem is going be solved. If you think these unmedicated homeless hobos ain’t a problem does anybody remember the GSSR’s must famous unmedicated homeless veteran from 34 years ago Danny Rollins. Also if you look at this case and his past history why wasn’t he hit with some felony charges like false imprisonment, Attempted Sexual Battery, Aggravated Assault both on an adult and a minor? Hum seems like those might get him a free bus ride to union county or at least on FLDOC probation so any new charges would result in a VOP. Don’t hold you breath on his current charges all are MM nothing going happen with them accept quietly dropped so this guy can be one of the GSSR’s newest downtown Ambassadors for the holidays. Welcome to the GSSR we don’t know how lucky we are back in the GSSR.
what dang war was he in? they kicked his perverted A out the Navy for possibly doing the same mess
This is crazy how the government is failing EVERYONE in this situation. First and foremost, they are failing to keep the community safe by continuously releasing him into the community knowing that he is a danger and a threat. At the same time, they are failing Steven by not getting him the help he needs. According to the article, his case manager at the Mental Health Court states that he is showing symptoms of schizophrenia and the courts refuse to get him the help that he needs. His public defender even said that he was found to be incompetent and needed mental stabilization, but then she requested that he be released to outpatient treatment…WHAT?? It’s apparent that he needs to be hospitalized for mental treatment and the courts continue to ignore that fact and ALLOW HIM TO BE A DANGER AND THREAT TO SOCIETY.