NW 23rd Avenue repaving delayed to June

Alachua County’s 2023 road plan


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The major rehabilitation of NW 23rd Avenue between NW 58th Blvd and I-75, originally planned for 2023, has now been delayed to June.

According to an email from Public Works Director Ramon Gavarrete, the shop drawings are expected to be approved by the County on March 15, clearing the way for construction to begin, but the contractor, VE Whitehurst, has requested a 12-week delay due to challenges with the delivery of the drainage structures.

The start date is now estimated to be Monday, June 10.

A year-by-year summary of Alachua County’s 10-year road plan can be found here; that segment of NW 23rd Avenue was initially scheduled for 2023 and is slated to include a major rehabilitation of the road, along with new turn lanes and a multi-use path.

  • Very reasonable and usual request. With lead times for structures there is no need to start the clock running if all that will do is impact traffic and look like the contractor is dragging the job out for no good reason.

  • Disappointing, but certainly understandable…

    At least it will get done.

  • Offer some of the jobs to the homeless…they always seem comfortable playing in traffic.

  • Not surprised, I have been living in gangsville for 40 years, I use the road at least 5 times per week, the repairs they do on it are worse than the pot holes

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