Parents of drowned 4-year-old charged with negligent manslaughter

File photo from March 2 search for missing 4-year-old Kash Hodges | Courtesy Gainesville Police Department

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The parents of a 4-year-old who drowned in a retention pond in March have been charged with negligent manslaughter after investigators alleged that the child’s father had been abusing drugs and the mother knew about this but left the child with his father and also left the door unlocked. The parents had previously filed a wrongful death lawsuit against various individuals and businesses associated with the shopping plaza where the child drowned, stating that a lack of automatic door locks and a fence around the pond had “directly and proximately” led to the child’s drowning.

Gainesville Police Department officers responded to a report of a missing child on March 2, 2023, and later found the body of Kash Waylen Hodges in a retention pond behind a shopping plaza at 6200 NW 26th Street. Attempts to revive the child were unsuccessful.

Gabriel Waylen Hodges, 28, and Taychianna Dazja Figueroa, 27, lived with Kash in the back room of a pet grooming salon where Figueroa worked. At about 4:23 p.m. on March 2, Figueroa left the business through the front door and reportedly did not lock the door behind her despite having a key to that door. Figueroa reportedly told investigating officers that Hodges and their son were asleep when she left to get food.

Surveillance cameras show her leaving and then reportedly show the child walking out of the same unlocked door, 15 minutes later. The cameras show the child wandering around the back of the shopping plaza; about 10 minutes later, the child can be seen running toward the retention pond and falling into the pond.

The child was not located until 5:27 p.m. and was found by the owner of another business in the plaza.

The owner of the pet grooming business reportedly told an officer that she believed Hodges was abusing drugs and specifically remembered that two weeks before the drowning, the child was screaming because he could not find his mother and the business owner was shocked that Hodges did not wake up because the screaming was so loud it could be heard outside the business.

Consent to search the room where the family lived was obtained, and officers reportedly found a baggie containing a white crystalline powdery substance that tested positive for methamphetamine, along with marijuana and various drug paraphernalia on a table; they also reportedly found white powder next to a rolled-up dollar bill in a drawer.

An officer reported that during a conversation with Hodges on the night of the drowning, the officer learned that Hodges has been addicted to “downers” since he was a teenager; the officer noted that Hodges appeared to be impaired during the interaction, with glassy eyes and slow movements and speech.

Hodges reportedly provided blood and urine samples, and the results were positive for methamphetamine.

Investigators concluded: “The negligence of both [Hodges] and [Figueroa] led to the death of [the child].”

Both parents have been charged via sworn complaint with negligent manslaughter of a child; warrants have not yet been issued for their arrests.

Two sworn complaints were filed against Figueroa in May after the owner of the pet grooming business alleged that Figueroa had obtained her own card reader and had swiped a client’s credit card and kept the money; after the business owner discovered the theft, she reportedly gave Figueroa and Hodges one day to move out, and Figueroa allegedly stole $874 in merchandise and equipment when she left. Both charges were dropped in early June. A third sworn complaint that alleges Figueroa took cash from a client as payment and did not turn it over to the business owner is still pending.

Figueroa has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the pet grooming business owner and others, claiming that the business owner removed a security feature that kept the front door locked at all times, which “created unsafe conditions for the occupants of said property” and “[n]egligently failed to re-install the security system” despite repeated requests from Figueroa. The complaint also asserts that the owners and management of the shopping plaza “failed to enforce the installation and maintenance of door locking systems” and negligently failed “to install a fence around lakes, bodies of water, and retention ponds.” The complaint asserts that “The negligence alleged above directly and proximately caused the subject [sic] drown and, consequently, KASH WAYLAN HODGES’s death… [and] As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing negligence, KASH WAYLAN HODGES was killed” and the child’s estate suffered damages including medical and funeral expenses. Figueroa was appointed by the Court as personal representative for her son’s estate for the purpose of collecting any funds awarded in the lawsuit.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

    • Just wait till they legalize recreational marijuana through a state constitutional amendment. If you desire to create an unmotivated permanent underclass, legalize pot.

  • Guess that “payday” didn’t go like they were hoping.

    Good! If you’d rather mind your drugs than teach a child to mind, not only should you not have children but you shouldn’t be allowed to have any more either.

  • Poor child. His parents are trash, trash, trash. Pet groomers were unwise to house them as long as they did, now they are paying the price.

    • I know the owner of the pet grooming business, and in my opinion they’re shady as they come. You know the business owner/pet groomer knew what was going on. They should have reported those parents to CPS as soon as they realized what was going on.
      Now they’re trying to cover their own behind and claiming the parents were stealing from them, which begs the question why didn’t you fire them immediately?
      The owner also suspected drug use, again, why didn’t they call CPS or law enforcement.

      I think there is plenty of blame to go around, and I think the business owner/pet groomer shares quite a bit of the blame.

          • You sound ignorant as hell! You obviously do not personally know the owner. Because if you did, you would know that she has a big ass heart. And she had no idea about any drugs being found until the affidavit was filed on November 3. I know the owner, and you are obviously someone who is ignorant and very dumb to the whole situation.

          • When people resort to name calling, it shows that they have already lost the argument.
            I’m sorry that you are so misguided.
            Bless your heart!

          • That is not name calling…. That is clearly stating you are ignorant and very much lacking knowledge.

      • Spoken like a true plaintiff’s lawyer. The charge is public record. Read it. The theft charges are also public record. Read them. You will learn exactly what happened.

      • You don’t know the business owner!!! She’s been around a while and never been involved or accused of such BS!!! You are obviously delusional and must be friends with the junkie parents and probably on meth too!! Stop making up things about someone you don’t even know. You also have no proof of ripping someone off and hide behind a fake name….the parents must have promise you some money from the lawsuit that’s not gonna pay out!! Detectives said the couldn’t give out the information about what they found while toxicology was pending. You obviously never read all details or you just can’t read.

    • Oh, and the business owner likes to excuse themselves from responsibility because they were working elsewhere, and dealing with breast cancer.
      If they were well enough to continue to work, then they were well enough to keep up with what was happening at their other place of business.
      Through the owners own comments they admit they at least strongly suspected the parents of child neglect.

  • It must be hard being a grownup when adults act like children 24/7, too. Very traffic how real children are victims of it.

  • 1. I’ve read that 80% of drug users never get clean. Ever. 80%!!

    2. The only solution to the rampant drug problem, long term: drastically reduce the supply. Scarce and (therefore) more expensive drugs = fewer addicts.

    3. The only realistic way to do that is to build a wall to stop the wide open borders, north and south, from being a highway of drug supply. Shut the border = reduce the overall quantity of drug availability = fewer addicts. There will always be addicts. How many we will have is the question.

    * Vote accordingly.

    P.S. China no longer provides majority of “pre-cursers” for fentanyl — Mexican cartels have figured out how to make their own. Remember the glut of “black tar heroin?” China had nothing to do with that scourge. Mexican cartels did that one all by themselves. No China required (China still seeks our destruction – just pointing out the cartel / southern border is the priority). Shut the border to make it at least harder to smuggle the supply. Otherwise deal with an entirely lost generation(s) of addicted Americans. Maybe your family members.

  • No one likes to see things like this happen, but, I am saying that this little one is in a far, far better place than with these negligent, parent’s. They will suffer for the rest of their lives for this. I do not envy them.

  • Once again a small child looses their life due to the selfishness of an adult.
    Our country has become one giant pharmacy where anyone with the resources ($$$) can buy any type of drugs they want.
    DEA can’t stop it, the Whitehouse doesn’t want to stop it ($$$) the Chinese are pumping tons of synthetic drugs into this country.
    Let that sink in for a minute.

  • The blame game. The attorney who filed the law suit should have to pay the legal fees and be sanctioned by the bar for filing a BS frivolous lawsuit! What horrible parents, a horrible attorney, & tragic story.

    • Went up their nose, cause it says they found a rolled up dollar bill…Sad that drugs are more important

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