Updated: FDLE releases identity of second Ginnie Springs homicide victim

Staff report
Updated on May 31 with new information about the victim
HIGH SPRINGS, Fla. – Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has confirmed that one of the three victims in Saturday night’s shooting incident at Ginnie Springs, Marco Mandujano, 26, has died.
Will Porter, the Special Agent in charge of the FDLE Gainesville Field Office, said in a press conference on May 28 that the second shooting was at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday night; during a large fight involving multiple subjects, a suspect shot into the crowd and hit three innocent bystanders who were not involved in the fight. Porter said that one of the victims was in “very serious condition” on Tuesday; that victim has now succumbed to those injuries. The other two victims were treated and released with minor injuries. FDLE has not yet released any information about the victims.
Koty Edward Stewart of Jacksonville was pronounced deceased at the campground early Saturday morning, following the first shooting incident. Fisher Dalton Watts, 18, was arrested in Georgia on Sunday and charged with first-degree murder for Stewart’s death. His brother, Dallas Jordan Watts, 21, was arrested at Ginnie Springs and charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and resisting an officer without violence.
Agents urge anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has information about this case to call FDLE at (386) 462-9975.
God bless the two deceased.
This surprises no one who’s ever camped at Ginnie Springs before. Their main objective is to cater to the trashiest people the south has to offer. Gotta wonder how they’re able to keep an active business license with their history
They get that Nestle.. sorry BlueTriton $$$ on top of all the money they make from the camp.
This shooting was almost 24 hours after the 1st. How was this place not emptied-out and “campers” run off by then?
If the county can’t close it, I hope the victim’s families sue the owner into oblivion.
Hopefully the state will step in and take over.
Ginnie Springs needs to be permanently closed. That family that owns it couldn’t care less about anyone
In general I sympathize with landowners whose property is seized under some form of “eminent domain.” But in this case, the owners of Ginnie Springs have already cost tax payers so much for law enforcement and EMS, it seems like the state should have the right to seize the land, stop the mob stupidity, and give the owners some just value minus all the public costs that the owners’ sick oversight has cost the public.
And Wal-Mart too right ?
I am not usually if the opinion that Eminent domain be invoked by the state, but in this case, I am in favor of it. Ginnie is a state treasure and should be treated as one. Eminent domain is the right of the government to take private property for public use. Long overdue.
It’s time for the Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office to close Ginny Springs down.
It’s time for the Sheriffs Department to close it down.
I’m hoping that Marks daughters and those who help them succeed in this business, have a very heavy heart after this. If they continue to allow this behavior to come in and profit from it, surely they have sold their souls to the devil because it is pure evil intent. I heard that they opened the day after because they paid an enormous amount of money to the Sheriff’s office and heightened the security but did that help? Is the Sheriff’s department in on this too? It does make one wonder. I want to say money always wins but based on politics lately it seems that evil intent is winning.
And where is TV20 news? You know they want to be out there getting all the info. But have you ever seen them out there for something bad or good? I haven’t. Money zips people’s lips.
They were refused entry. They tried to get in unannounced and were kicked out.
2 little broccoli heads will get what they got coming hope they rot in prison, as for the springs it’s a nice spring but it’s a shame drugs , crime , and everyone has blinders on anything goes out there definitely not a place for kids or families it’s a shame 2 lost their lives
Won’t be long before there is soo much broken glass littering the area that no one can even go barefoot.
Lest anyone forget, most of the individuals abusing the resources around the springs are of the later generations.
So despite their protests and demands to end the use of fossil fuels, their actions appear to dictate they care far less for the environment than what they claim.
I continue to be amazed that some people hold life so cheaply. This gift from God is irreplaceable yet so many treat it as if it were.
It’s a super simple fix. The county needs a “no alcohol” policy for any venue or location that charges money or “donations” to get in. You could make special exceptions for annual events etc just no liquor anywhere like Ginnie. No drinking, no stupid people, no problem.
Good enough for the Perpetrators, the punishment from Jesus, If they do not get forgiveness, will be much worse.