Shooting at The Ridge on 34th upgraded to homicide; GPD seeks help from the public

Police cars line SW 34th Street near SW 2nd Avenue after Thursday night’s shooting

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville Police Department is asking the public for information regarding last night’s shooting at The Ridge on 34th at 8:40 p.m.

One of the two gunshot victims died this morning, upgrading the shooting to a homicide.

Anyone with information can contact Detective Dose at 352-393-7682 or submit a tip anonymously at

  • Just another day in Gainesville.
    Maybe leadership should revisit another summit…and then jump off.

  • Give it a few days, the shooter will appear in the GPD lobby turning himself in. But in the meantime stay tuned for a word from family members avenging their baby’s innocence. See below…

    • Lol how delusional are you to think the shooter would turn himself in. He’s likely laughing about it on Facebook but damn sure won’t turn himself in, welcome to the real world

  • Sadly, older student apts. everywhere are being ghettoized by District 1 expats. Students still there may want to start carrying, legally of course.

  • And yet ANOTHER one. Ya’ll see that elephant in the room? don’t point at it, they will defer the blame on you and then they’ll call you a racist! put up the numbers of white vs black shootings here in the last 5 years, that will tell you ALL you need to know. They don’t want the light shined on that statistic and they will just continue blaming it on everything else but the TRUTH.

    • It’s not just the truth in Gainesville, it’s the truth nationwide. “They” are responsible for 52% of all murders yet “they” are only 13% of the population.

      • Uh oh….now you’ve gone and done it! You pointed out the so called ‘elephant in the room’….and it ain’t white either.

  • You can continue to not approve my comments on here but until people see where the real fault lies then your doing nothing more than lying to yourself and the problem will NEVER change.

  • The dopers, bangers & hood vermin have spread their poison and violence to all four corners of the city.
    What has city hall or GPD done to stop this spreading disease? Nothing.
    Once again you get what you vote for. In this instance it is for perpetual violence throughout the city.
    Happy Holidays ya’ll, keep your head down, go invest in a good firearm.

  • A word about this article’s headline. Charges going from assault to homicide might be an “Upgrade” in policespeak or DAspeak, but if you could ask the victim he probably would consider it a serious downgrade.

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