Three arrested and charged with murder of juvenile male at Pointe 23 Apartments

Dyquann Freeney

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dyquann Freeney, 25, Mikhail Lawson, 14, and Kemeon Lee, 15, have been charged with armed robbery and murder in connection with the shooting death of a juvenile male on February 19 at Pointe 23 Apartments. Freeney has also been charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

On Monday, February 19, 2024, at approximately 8:58 p.m., Gainesville Police Department officers responded to reports of gunfire and found an unresponsive juvenile male inside a vehicle at 740 NE 23rd Avenue (Pointe 23 Apartments). 

Upon arrival, both officers and EMS personnel confirmed the individual’s death from what appeared to be a single gunshot wound. Initial and follow-up investigations revealed that residents reported hearing three to five gunshots preceding the discovery of the deceased individual in his vehicle. Witnesses informed detectives that following the gunfire, three black males were observed fleeing toward NE 23rd Avenue, one of whom was carrying a firearm. 

Freeney was arrested in Alachua County in September 2023 on a fugitive warrant out of Lanier County, GA, for violating probation in a simple battery/assault case.

The Gainesville Police Department would like to thank citizens who came forward with information to help solve this murder.  Although arrests have been made, this is still an open investigation, and anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Dose at (352) 393-7682. Individuals wishing to provide anonymous tips can reach Crime Stoppers at (352) 372-7867.

  • 3 blacks killed a white kid. If it was the other day around there would be looting and rioting in the streets of Gainesville.

    • No it would not a white man just killed a black man and the streets are still the same y’all always trying to prove a point

    • Get on your job and quit bichn. Just a scared keyboard warrior playing the race card 😂

  • This is crazy. A 14 and 15 year old?! Gainesville has a serious gun crisis on their hands. Seems like every single day there’s a young kid or young adult being murdered in this town. I’ve been in the area since the late 90s and I am just blown away at how rampant crime has become. My heart breaks for the victims family- how absolutely senseless.

      • Obama didn’t say this by the way! Hope you are better than this. The problems is so much bigger. When there were race issue in this country before. Unity fixed the problems. Not more Division.

  • I’d like to thank the people who came forward and gave the police the information that led to these arrests. If more people would do the same perhaps the streets could become safer and the perpetrators might think twice about committing a crime if they believe that people will cooperate with the police.

  • The victim was not a thug, so please correct your “4” less thug comment!

    And I’m regards to the race thing, unfortunately all of the shooters have been black males. Usually they are killing other black males but this time it’s a young while male about to be a dad who was shot in cold blood! So yes maybe there needs to be some noise over this because it’s getting tiring and it’s time for change! These young men need to find another way to live their lives and the community needs to get behind that!

      • What more is there to elaborate. Are u ignorant or what. After he passed his son was born. Cause of people not parenting right or have ther firearms put up.its NO ONES OLACE TO TAKE A LIFE BUT GODS. MY CAUSIN DIDNT DESERVE THAT

    • IT can’t be undone, no amount of reparations, marches, or loved ones on a T shirt can fix this issue.

    • The three black thugs robbed a drug dealer who was white. Drug dealer is usually a thug in most people’s mind. Let’s not forget that Caleb who was only 17 was armed with a 45 pistol. Why would a 17 year old need to be illegally in possession of a handgun? Sorry for the lose but if you are going to play the dope dealer game this is what usually happens.

      • It’s illegal for a 17 year old to have a gun to start with plus having drugs for sale sound like if he was going to be a model roll for the baby the baby is better off

        • How u know he had drugs if he did. What makes u think you are any better. My cousin didn’t deserve that at all. Maybe you need God and do to church for what u have said. I hope it doesn’t happen to u or your kids/ grandkids. Cause people like u get what they deserve

          • Um police report, police investigation, police statement. Maybe you are not thinking straight over losing a loved one. I get that. But explain why a 17 year old needs a 45 pistol? Why the three other idiots admitted statements of robbing him for drugs.

      • I don’t blame him if he did Florida has the highest crime rate for gun violence. So if he needed a gun to protect himself if he had one at that. I would too. So bear get off ur high horse. Hope it’s not u one day.

        • Won’t be me I carry two guns and know how it use them. I am a old gunslinger from yester year when common sense was the norm. I don’t commit crime, sling drugs, or put myself in those type of criminal situations. I do ride my horse high in the saddle and fear no evil. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    • Sorry to bust your bubble but he was a drug dealer who had a gun at the time he was shot do you want to change your view of him or spread more lies

  • The victim was hardly a thug. He was a good kid about to be a dad shot in his own damn car.

  • @Real Johnny — I have lived in Gainesville for many years but have yet to see (thankfully) “looting and rioting in the streets of Gainesville”

  • This proves geography isn’t the problem. No matter where thugs live or congregate, mayhem is the result. It’s not confined to District 1 or the SWAG corridor. It’s also in many other pockets of self-defeating values. 🤡👹💩🍦🍦🍦D

  • We need more gun laws!!! How about making it illegal for 14 year olds to buy or carry guns? Maybe we can make a law that it is illegal to kill somebody? More laws will certainly fix this problem. We also need to have our leaders discuss this problem more frequently. Or- we could just get rid of all the criminals after ZERO strikes!

    • Mo Betta-
      Don’t forget about spending more taxpayer money on the problem. 🤦🏼‍♀️😕

    • It IS illegal for a 14 year old to have a gun. It is also illegal for a convicted felon to have a gun. A law abiding citizen has to wait 7 days to obtain a gun.that has not slowed the shootings in Gainesville. What gun law will disarm a person intent on breaking the law, without affecting a person from legally buying a gun? It is already against the law to kill someone.

  • I know we’re not allowed to talk about “the elephant in the room” but, y’all notice how this particular group dominates mug shots? Only 13% of the population but commit 52% of all murders per the FBI. Perhaps breaking laws would be less enticing if there were actual consequences. Perhaps if people had to work doing road side cleaning, working on infrastructure, or some kind of job to get their welfare they’d have less time to get into trouble.

  • They all should suffer like he did and taken from there family’s. God don’t like ugly.

  • The white boy tried to kill one of the teens. He shot the young one and it was a set up the whole time and he ended up getting shot AFTER he Shot those kids after they were just trying to buy weed. He thought he was gonna murder one of those kids and died instead. That’s the real story from somebody who’s in the situation. Condolences to the families on both sides.

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