Van Winkle: Gainesville’s homeless problems are no surprise

Letter to the editor
The recent complaints to Gainesville City Commissioners about homeless nuisance activities are not surprising. In fact, the City has done an abysmal job of managing the effects of the homeless population on citizens and businesses in Gainesville. Not only have the homeless become a more visible nuisance all over the city, but there have been a significant number of homeless arrests in the past several months that increase the threat to public safety.
Quality of Life
Gainesville’s homeless problem has a direct impact on the quality of life of our citizens and businesses. New arrivals to Gainesville are greeted at the I-75 off-ramp by homeless beggars walking up to their cars. Many elderly and female citizens actively avoid certain intersections for fear that they will be accosted in their vehicles. Gas stations and convenience stores regularly call law enforcement to remove homeless who approach their patrons and scare customers away. All these issues impact how our citizens feel about Gainesville and how our visitors decide to spend their money when they are in town. City parks are overrun with homeless who leave garbage, human waste, and condoms in the same place that children should be playing. Many investments have been made by the City to make Main Street two lanes and to develop Depot Park. Still, there continue to be pockets of homeless people along Main Street who approach pedestrians and make them question their safety.
What Has Already Been Done?
There have been public discussions surrounding homeless activities in Gainesville for several decades. Both the City and County have spent millions of dollars to come up with solutions to manage the homeless issues in our area. In 2005, the City and County created a “10-Year Plan to End Homelessness” in Alachua County. A variety of initiatives were funded for many years, and the GRACE Marketplace was created in 2014. Though the GRACE Marketplace has had success in placing many homeless individuals over the years, the homeless problem in Gainesville has gotten worse. It is very visible, and it has certainly not ended.
Bad Press
Back in 2004 and 2009, the City of Gainesville was voted the fifth meanest city to the homeless by the National Coalition for the Homeless. This didn’t sound very good, but it was the result of local government doing their jobs and responding to the needs of citizens and businesses. The City and County shut down several “tent cities” that were on public and private property. These tent cities were unsanitary and unsafe, and many crimes were committed by the homeless, often against the homeless. Downtown Gainesville had homeless people all over the downtown plaza and other City parks. Business owners would arrive at their businesses every morning to find urine and feces on their doorsteps. Citizens stopped going downtown to the restaurants and bars because of aggressive panhandling and for fear of being robbed or attacked by the homeless.
Though the local ordinances and enforcement efforts by GPD were working, City Commissioners directed the City Manager to back off on enforcement. Over the years, enforcement activities have decreased, and the homeless problem has gotten worse. In the past six months, there have been numerous homeless people arrested for a variety of crimes: indecent exposure near campus, burglary and grand theft at a hotel on Archer Road, armed robbery at a store north of downtown, occupied residential burglary, and many others. These are not nuisance crimes – they are a direct threat to the public. Homeless advocates often claim that most arrests of the homeless are due to restrictive local ordinances that “target” the homeless. However, that is not what’s happening in Gainesville, and it is time for our local leaders to act.
What Needs to be Done?
Homelessness is a social issue that will not come to an end because the government publishes a plan to make it go away. Instead, many things must be done by public and private entities to help reduce the problem of homelessness. The City and County will likely continue to fund the GRACE Marketplace and work to direct the homeless to public and private resources that can help them get medical assistance, housing, and jobs.
Homelessness has become a nuisance in Gainesville, and it is our governments’ collective job to manage the nuisance and keep the homeless “in check” so that citizens and business owners feel safe. The City Commission must enact ordinances that have proven successful in other Florida cities in managing the homeless. City management should empower GPD to conduct enforcement to get the homeless off the street corners and out of the parks to reduce the public nuisance and increase safety.
Lastly, Gainesville’s citizens need to understand that giving cash directly to homeless beggars will most likely go directly to alcohol or drug use. This is not a myth – it’s a fact. Many people give cash to appease the homeless and make them go away. One thing is certain – giving cash to beggars encourages more people to beg, thus increasing the magnitude of the problem.
It’s time for our leaders to deal with the homeless problem before Gainesville becomes another San Francisco or Los Angeles. We are already well on our way there.
Ed Van Winkle
Ed Van Winkle is a retired Captain with the Gainesville Police Department, where he served for 20 years in a wide variety of assignments, including patrol, detectives, narcotics, training, SWAT, and aviation. Ed worked as the District Commander of the area including downtown Gainesville, and GPD’s enforcement efforts focused on reducing homeless nuisances made significant positive impacts on citizens and businesses.
The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Letters may be submitted to and are published at the discretion of the editor.
It’s a shame in the city of Gainesville accepts it and agrees with it. The city workers of Gainesville work in dangerous situation at somebody’s park.
In Ocala to have a sign and hold it to beg, you must have a $50 (use to be) license. Maybe do that here. Second, grace needs to make the homeless responsible, in other words, they need to have them be actively looking for work and not enabling those that can but won’t, of course there are those that are disabled and they of course need the help. But just to let stay on the property, and then not do a dang thing to help themselves. Nope.
I don’t feel safe in Gainesville anymore. Always being harassed in parking lots by people asking for money when they should be getting a job. GCC want so bad to be like failed California.
Most of my friends and I will shop or eat dinner in Lake City, Ocala, or the outlying cities in the county. This requires us to drive farther, but we aren’t harassed by any homeless, so it is worth it. I spent my entire career working in Gainesville. When the police could enforce the ordinance, it wasn’t nearly as bad. Their hands are tied because City Legal determined this was unconstitutional even though it puts all parties involved in danger due to the moving people and cars entering the roadway. I guess not being seen as “mean to the homeless” is more important than the safety and the loss of revenue to the City. I continue to shake my head and hope our timeline to move is sooner rather than later.
My wife and I enjoy driving out to downtown Starke for the same reason. They have a nice Tai place and Italian place. Free on-street parking. Zero beggars.
First get rid of GRACE. All it does is attract more out of town homeless. Mr. Winkle, you probably know better than the average citizen the problems at GRACE. Every year GRACE staff reports a few success stories. But what happens when these folks get stabilized how long does it last. There is work in this town no matter if disabled or not. Veterans return home with some real serious disabilities and all they wish to do is work. GRACE should be totally funded by the local churches there are enough of them here in town. Money saved should go to help the youth, they can possibly be saved.
Grace should be funded entirely by churches? Wait… why would you put that burden on them? Let’s assign that to the people who are actively pro-homeless-assistance. Let them raise the funds and take on the liability costs, etc.
I understand your position. I am not anti-church but feel like these are the places that if people really need help, they should go to. I am sure no church will turn away a person in need. I hope.
Actually, many many churches and organization vollunteer at Grace… There are some people out there that appreciate our help, but I estimate that 80% do not care to work and take care of themselves, they just hang around and shoot up or get drunk…. So sad – Lots of Vets too
I’m with you that GRACE should be shut down. It serves no purpose other then attract more homeless to the area. Those who do not want to follow the rules of staying at GRACE, have created a new “tent city” just outside of GRACE so they can benefit from it without having to follow the rules. I used to work in healthcare, and we would have case managers from GA, AL, etc. hospitals tell us that when they had to discharge a homeless patient, they would give them a bus ticket to Gainesville and pamphlet about GRACE and send them on their way.
I owned a bar in downtown Nashville, TN in the early 70’s, we had homeless people then we called them wino’s. Addicted, homeless drunks that begged. Today it is drugs & mental illness. There could be 5% with a heartfelt story, the rest are just looking for a free ride with no restrictions. Every time I see someone give them money, I think there goes someone with no street smarts. They need to be run out of Gainesville, we have too many young and gullible residents that don’t know any better than to help support their lifestyle.
And the homeless network knows this about GNV and all the vulnerable, liberal citizens who live here…
It’s a clusterfreak of rehab centers, lawyers, bail bondsmen, NGOs seeking grants, and now a new needle exchange — in a college town. It’ll only get worse.
Yes, if you want a prime example of needle exchange and needle give away just look at Philadelphia and Kensington Ave. See how well that worked with citizens and kids having to worry about stepping on needles on the street, parks, and playgrounds.
Giving money to beggars is like feeding a stray cat; stop feeding them and they’ll go away.
You would think a city of supposedly “intelligent” people would know that.
You would think…
The people who don’t want to be homeless have help, if they want it. Those who want to “live off the grid” should not be welcome or allowed to panhandle or live on public property. This is not SFran or LA, despite the best efforts of Harvey Ward and his minions.
Great letter! …I drive to work everyday on NW 8th Ave and a vagrant has set up his camp right below the 13th St bridge on the east side…there’s unsightly litter & trash spewed all over the place…why hasn’t law enforcement told this person to move on and where is the city department that’s going to pick up that unsightly litter and trash? ….the 10 year plan to end homelessness is BS… all Grace Mktplace does is provide benefits to bums and attracts bums & vagrants from other counties here…palatka for example sends their released jail inmates to Grace to our community to receive benefits making their problems our problems…this practice needs to stop! These people are bums and don’t want to work…they are happy to live outside and do drugs and drink booze..the city needs to create an innovative recycling program and clean up the fast food trash, beer cans & bottles, and camp trash! Instead of being panhandlers, the vagrants need to be “can handlers”.
Panhandling is not a legitimate profession, but helping to make our community clean by picking up trash and recycling bottles & beer cans is!
Public works, the churches, & Grace Mktplc need to create the “don’t be a panhandler, be a canhandler” program…let’s create a solution for our local litter & trash problem. All residents of Grace & street panhandlers should have to report to the city, a Church , or Grace, or some other NGO to help clean up our streets. I have no problem with some of my tax dollars going to a program that helps homeless get services and where they can give back to our community instead of being a nuisance and crapping our city up. Grace should be temporary help only and if the vagrant doesn’t show progress, then we need to send them back to their friends and family where they came from…the problem is getting worse and the GNV CC needs to instruct the city manager to clean up the streets now!
Things are getting worse & out of control. Poor city leadership is the problem. These fancy churches need to put the vagrants to work picking up litter instead of just feeding them like the crazy cat lady…if the homeless are going to take our public $, then they need to give back with public service.
Good idea. Put the bums & panhandlers to work cleaning up the fast food trash, and the booze & beer bottles littering up our city!
They should all have a bright neon vest, a trash picker upper thing, and a garbage can on wheels! That’s an innovative solution that can work and is a win win for all!
For every full can of trash ,pay them $10!
All these vagrants will do is go to the nearest trash bin and fill their little baggies worth $10 x 15 per day! What a life!
Anyone else catch the reason for the increase in enforcement?
“Though the local ordinances and enforcement efforts by GPD were working, City Commissioners directed the City Manager to back off on enforcement.”
So not only are they responsible for lack of enforcement they’re also partly responsible for the increase of homelessness because of the utility rates and taxes. Even more disturbing is that voters keep electing those who are directly responsible for the problem.
I would argue that homelessness isn’t the only problem in Gainesville.
Well written “opinion” that most Gainesville’s citizens fully support. We demand that the city commission get off their partisan agenda and work for all the people all the time. Is it not beyond obvious that this city is suffering under the past and current leadership on many levels? STOP trying to be the center of the universe with all your nonsense propaganda that the state of Florida depends on Gainesville or that we need to be the regional supplier of all things governed because we’re so smart and “progressive. Please stop electing children and political party hacks Gainesville. We want to be a town that is normal and home based, welcoming, and supportive of others within reason. We want our collective soul back.
We have been “turned out” by our political pimps, like streetwalkers forced to subjugate ourselves to support people who don’t belong here in the first place. There is a lot more crime, police don’t want to live and work here, businesses don’t want to operate here, etc. The county commission is equally to blame, by the way. And they are equally stupid, if not more so.
Are we still giving ‘guaranteed income’ money to felons being released from the jail? Nobody ever talks about that anymore.
I’d like to see the “results” of that “program” too!
Or not!
There appears to be a shared failed social policy regarding illegal immigrants and the homeless. That policy is based on not enforcing existing laws and having the taxpayers, who have already paid for that enforcement, pay again for the results of the policy’s failure.
A policy is only as good as the lawful foundation which supports it.
If the bums of Gainesville wore swastika arm bands, there would be no more bums in Gainesville.
Still, a bum is just a bum.
Ed, You hit the nail on the head. Your many years of experience working closely with the homeless in our area sheds much value. The lackadaisical approach most recently at the 13th St Budget Hotel that the county bought for 2 million dollars and could not protect from criminal activity is a prime example of how to mis-manage a foreseeable problem.
Great letter about a complicated issue. I used to work with the employment side of homelessness. I don’t know too many employers advertising for people tho are chronically intoxicated, have poor hygiene, with surly attitudes who may or may not show up for work or actually do quality work when they do show up.
No Work, No eat.
Well i read all the comments and no one wrote one that is Homeless.Well i’m homeless and,well let me put it this way.There are different type of homeless people.For example,1 there are homeless that dont do drugs,2 there are homeless that dont make a mess and go to the bathroom on the streets.3 there are homeless that live in the woods and want to live off the Government grid,peaceful and happy. 4 i’ve seen alot of people get into housing from help with the city of Gainesville and it’s resources.A good chunk of homeless want to better them there lifes.I used to live upper middle class most of my life until i got addicted to hard core drugs,lost everything within 6 years.Now 8 years later i’m trying to get off the street because i stopped hardcore drugs.I admit i still have a few drinks but my point is.DRUGS ARE THE MAIN PROBLEM IN SOCIETY,RICH POOR,MIDDLE CLASS,ETC.THIS IS THE PROBLEM,YES MENTAL ILLNESS TO.SO LOCAL GOVERNMENT HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO TO FIX THIS PROBLEM.And by the way,i dont panhandle(beg for money)i try to work.Harder to get back up when you lost everything.Thank you gainesville for having the resources i need… what is your point if you aren’t panhandling and using available resources to live your life, that is fine. You aren’t committing crimes or making quality-of-life issues for businesses or homeowners you aren’t what this article addresses.
Don’t forget the first thing visitors see after leaving the airport – Grace Marketplace, and a bunch of BUMS standing in the medians at 39th and Waldo Rd.
That just screams “Invest in our great city!”
What a joke.
Alachua County makes the UK news.
Why did the scorpion kill the frog he was riding?
No one has done more damage to the City of Gainesville than Poe and friends…Biomass and Grace all their smug liberal ideas that blow up in their face and they just keep on keeping on.
It’s a shame some people can only think about themselves and the effect on Gainesville city. How many of us have lifted a hand and served these folks a meal? Or have taken the time to listen to their stories. Do we even have any clue what hoops the government now requires to replace ID? Many homeless are not homeless by choice or bad decisions. And just FYI, the majority of our panhandlers on the corners and at the lights are not homeless at all.
Thank you God for what we have. Please give us hearts of compassion to get involved with the downtrodden and forgive our finger pointing and lame solutions.