Verified GoFundMe set up for dog attack victim

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Kasi Gizzie, whose mother, Laurie Tornese, was attacked by three dogs on March 22, has set up a GoFundMe to raise money for her mother’s medical expenses. Gizzie writes that her mother will have to be on long-term IV medicine and undergo physical therapy, along with doctor appointments.
According to Gizzie, the three dogs arrived one at a time, and the situation seemed to be under control until the third dog arrived and one of the dogs jumped on Tornese’s back, pushing her to the ground, where all three dogs attacked and bit her. Gizzie used her jacket to hit the dogs, a neighbor arrived to try to get Tornese quickly into a car, and four men working with a lawn service nearby ran over to help. The dogs finally ran away, and the neighbor drove Tornese to an emergency room. Tornese spent a week in two different hospitals and has extensive damage to her left leg.
As of this writing, over $15,000 has been collected toward the $20,000 goal. You can donate here.
I’d like to know if the dogs have been euthanized? I would have euthanized them on the spot. Hopefully she goes after the owner of the dogs as well (if they have homeowners insurance).
They were not, they have been returned to the home.
I don’t know for sure the dogs have been put down but I do know that they have NOT been returned to the home.
Glad she is on the road to reconery. No mention of the dangerous dogs’ fate but hopefully they have been euthanized.
In today’s environment, it’s unfortunate the dogs have more rights than most. If someone would have been nearby and “euthanized” the dogs, they would have been arrested and charged with animal cruelty.
There must be strict enforcement of penalties on the owners.
Where are all the billboard lawyers?
A friend was a delivery driver and attacked by a dog that jumped the fence! He hired a billboard lawyer and got a good settlement, just took over a year or two. He’s still partially debilitated from the injury, likely permanent.
The dog owner should be euthanized, too.
You “get it” JeffK, it’s the owner who’s a fault. Anyone who owns dogs is responsible for them, especially when we’re talking dangerous dogs i.e. Pit Bulls. Moreover, I’d be willing to bet these were fighting dogs and these poor dogs are tormented from puppyhood to make them mean.
This is on the owner, he’s the one who supposedly is a bit smarter than the dogs…
The owner of the dogs should have to pay the bills. The county should enact a pitbull ordinance that requires them to register, control, & carry liability insurance to pay for injuries. The owner of the dogs should be arrested and the criminal court mandate restitution…
Where’s the county spokesperson Mark Sexton on that? That should be going through the public safety committee and then put on the county agenda…Miami has a pit bull ordinance for a reason.
Plenty of leftists think breed-specific legislation is raaacist.
Who let the dogs out?
Who, who, who, who, who?
Who let the dogs out?