Florida Supervisors of Elections to award three $1,200 scholarships

Press release from Alachua County Supervisor of Elections
ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. — Alachua County Supervisor of Elections Kim A. Barton, through the Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE), is proud to offer Florida college and university students the opportunity to apply for one of three $1,200 scholarships.
The scholarships are awarded as part of the association’s ongoing commitment to education in Florida.
“Going into a Presidential Election year, we are thrilled to work with Supervisors of Elections across the state to provide students with this scholarship opportunity,” Barton said, noting that students in Alachua County have received the scholarship numerous times, including in 2023 and 2021. “I am hoping we can help another University of Florida or Santa Fe College student on their road to success”.
Eligible students must be enrolled as a full-time junior or senior studying political science, public or business administration, or journalism/mass communications. Students must be registered to vote in Florida. Applications are due March 8, 2024 and must be submitted to the Supervisor of Elections of the county in which the student is registered to vote.
Each county will review the applications it receives and conduct interviews. The county will choose one student from its applicants to be considered by the FSE scholarship committee.
The application, additional guidelines and more information can be found at https://www.votealachua.gov/Outreach-Media/Scholarship
FSE is the statewide association of Florida’s Supervisors of Elections. Its aim is to provide a forum where elections officials can share information and best practices on all elections-related matters.
Where is the money coming from, for these scholarships that have nothing to do with the duties of the Supervisor of Elections?